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Spoiler Alert | Manu Bennett Accidentally Spills the Beans About His Return to Arrow

Posted on the 02 November 2017 by Entertainmentjolt @Entertain_Jolt

Spoiler Alert | Manu Bennett Accidentally Spills the Beans about His Return to ArrowLast week at MCM London Comic Con, Manu Bennett accidentally let slip news about an upcoming return to Arrow, and it involved his character’s (Slade Wilson) son. 

News had already been reported that Liam Hall had been cast as Slade’s son, but much of his role had been kept under wraps, until now. 

Speaking about his character’s big personality change at a press junket at MCM London Comic Con, Bennett accidentally said a little more than he should have.

Bennett went on to say:

Deathstroke [Slade’s alter ego) on Mirakuru killed his mother and it’s irredeemable in a way, but they wrote such a couple of awesome scenes – at the end of [the season] when I walked out of the prison and said to Oliver it was like a bad dream it was the Mirakuru and we start making our way back into the reality of our old relationship…”

We’ve already seen Slade’s return at the beginning of season 6, but whether or not he’d reprise his role in future episodes had yet to be confirmed, until last week.

“Season six starts out and it’s almost dismissed and Oliver is going to help me go find my boy…” he said, his eyes going wide when he realizes what he had just revealed. “I didn’t just say that, I didn’t just say that.”

It looks like Slade Wilson will be returning to Arrow sooner rather than later, with his son to boot.

Source: Mirror – “Arrow’s Manu Bennett just accidentally dropped a huge spoiler about his return at Comic Con 2017 – and it’s to do with Slade’s son”
Photo Credit: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images North America and The CW

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