Entertainment Magazine

Sound Off – MUD Vs Friends of Mine

Posted on the 26 February 2014 by Hendrik Pape @soundcheckblg

So Jerrod Niemann proved to be no challenge for The Road Hammers‘ MUD as they roll onto a third straight Sound Off victory with almost 98% of the vote.  Good news for fans of The Road Hammers a new album is in the works and is expected this summer.

The Road Hammers MUD

The Road Hammers MUD

Up next a familiar Canadian challenger and Boots and Hearts alum, Jason Blaine, and his video “Friends of Mine“, which features one of The Road Hammers, Jason McCoy.

Jason Blaine and friends

Jason Blaine and friends

So here we go, Round 4.  Will The Road Hammers continue to dominate or can Jason Blaine and his buddies rise to the challenge and take over the top spot?  It’s your call!

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