Creativity Magazine

Sometimes a Kitten is the Best Medicine

By Vickilane
Sometimes a Kitten is the Best Medicine
These are from April, 2013, when the kittehs joined our menagerie. I'd forgotten how small they were -- and how difficult to tell apart when they were moving around,
Sometimes a Kitten is the Best Medicine
They weren't sure about their new home after the security of their cage at the animal shelter.
Sometimes a Kitten is the Best Medicine
But they quickly found things to do.
Sometimes a Kitten is the Best Medicine
From sitting on the boom box . . .
Sometimes a Kitten is the Best Medicine
To playing on the stairs . . .
Sometimes a Kitten is the Best Medicine
Feather toys were good . . .
Sometimes a Kitten is the Best Medicine
As was a convenient cap for a nap.
Sometimes a Kitten is the Best Medicine

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