Culture Magazine

So Many Changes

By Darlenedame
i had a great 2012. we did a LOT of traveling, which obviously won't stop, but if someone told me how great 2013 would be, i would have skipped 2012 all together. we have made 3 big changes this year and the most exciting would be... getting pregnant! followed by buying a house and adding another member to our family, our french bulldog, cuba. blessings keep flooding our lives and i don't know why, but i'll take them as long as they come! 
so many changes
i haven't been very good about taking good photos, but my phone has been a great alternative. i've taken a lot of mirror selfies..... and i'm really glad i did! now i can see the progress of this little girl. oh yeah, we are having a girl this october! my due date is october 20th but the ultrasound showed i may go later around the 25th. this was yesterday, at 20 weeks. she has grown a lot this last week. a lot. women say they pop at a certain time and i definitely popped in what seemed over night! so many changes
we had a gender reveal get together at our house with close friends and family. tanner and i were convinced the entire time that we were having a boy. we had boy names and ideas for the nursery picked out. inside though, my heart wanted a girl so bad. 
so many changes
^^sleepy van
so many changesso many changesso many changesso many changesso many changes
^^we had an ice cream bar and cake to celebrate
so many changesso many changesso many changes
^^baby girls first gifts. thanks cristi and megan! so so sweet of you!
we had a cake with the color pink or blue inside to be the surprise and got it on video.  i have to clear up tanner's not so excited expression or action. that IS tanner's excited face and actions haha. he doesn't show it like i do. he doesn't really show it at all. but if he says he's excited, he truly is. he just kind of acts awkward and scratches my back and touches me awkwardly and keeps a subtle smile on his face. the video cracks me up to watch but I KNOW he is so happy. he has told me over and over how happy he is. 

gender reveal from darlene dame on Vimeo.
HOW FAR ALONG? 20 weeksTOTAL WEIGHT GAIN: 5 poundsMATERNITY CLOTHES? not yet, i should though! i unbutton my pants a lotSTRETCH MARKS? Not yet.. hopefully never hahaBEST MOMENT THIS WEEK? seeing our baby girl for the first time! i only get one ultrasound and we had it at our 19 week appointment to find out the gender and get everything checked out. i've loved hearing her heartbeat at earlier appointments but SEEING her was awesome! it was so fun seeing her fingers and heart and head and legs and arms and and and everything! MOVEMENT: a little bit. i've noticed her roll once and i think she may have kicked me.. but i'm still trying to tell the difference between gas and her moving ;) FOOD CRAVINGS: not crazy ones where i just have to have it or else.. but i've craved foreign food like papusas, chinese food, plantains, and and i've eaten a lot of bean and cheese burritos. ANYTHING MAKING YOU QUEESY OR SICK? not any more. wait, actually i threw up this morning at one sniff of my dog. i bathe her more than most people would because i can't stand the smell of dog. well, this morning she smelled like dog and i threw up haha. GENDER: girl! so happy!WEDDING RINGS ON OR OFF? onMILESTONES: baby is 10 oz, about the size of a banana 

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