Fashion Magazine

SmoothSkin IPL Hair Removal Devices: Game Changers in Hair Removal

By Glasgow Skinner/ My Life On And Off The Guest List @guestlistblog

A few years ago, we were introduced to a hair removal device that uses light-based technology (IPL or Intense Pulsed Light). This light technology hinders the growth of unwanted hair, but alas that device was not made for darker skin tones. That was then and now there is a hair removal brand that is a bit more inclusive. We're here to introduce you to two SmoothSkin IPL Hair Removal Devices, SmoothSkin Gold and SmoothSkin Bare. Say goodbye to shaving and waxing!

SmoothSkin IPL Hair Removal Devices: Game Changers in Hair Removal

SmoothSkin is the only global expert brand dedicated solely to the design, development, and manufacturing of IPL hair removal devices. You won't find any other consumer electronics such as toasters or vacuum cleaners in their wheelhouse, they are strictly dedicated to making only IPL devices. As you can imagine, these early pioneers of light-based technology are unmatched in the advancement of light-based beauty products and skin science. So how do these SmoothSkin IPL hair removal devices work? They are designed to help break the cycle of hair growth by targeting the hair root or follicle.

Please note, IPL is NOT a laser. Light energy is transferred through the skin's surface and is absorbed by the melanin present in the hair shaft. The absorbed light energy is converted to heat energy (below the surface of the skin), which then disables the hair follicle preventing further growth. With the use of these SmoothSkin IPL hair removal devices, treated hairs naturally fall out over the course of a few days to 1-2 weeks.

SmoothSkin IPL Hair Removal Devices: Game Changers in Hair Removal

IPL differs from laser hair removal by using a much broader spectrum of light in various colors and wavelengths, whereas laser uses a single spectrum of concentrated light in one single color and wavelength. Both methods target the melanin in the hair follicle and can provide long-lasting results. Because laser treatment focuses light into the follicle and not the skin, it is often recommended for darker skin tones which may not be suited to IPL treatment. Due to the way the technology works, IPL isn't suitable for the darkest skin tones, or Fitzpatrick skin tone 6.

SmoothSkin IPL Hair Removal Devices: Game Changers in Hair Removal

IPL is also not recommended for use on red, grey or very light (blonde) hair. All SmoothSkin devices feature a unique sensor that checks to see if your skin tone is suitable before treatment. SmoothSkin Gold features the latest in IPL technology, which automatically selects the right setting for you giving a personalized treatment for maximum results.

SmoothSkin IPL Hair Removal Devices: Game Changers in Hair Removal

Being the most powerful at-home IPL device on the market, SmoothSkin Gold checks your skin tone with every flash and delivers powerful treatment specifically suited to you. They recommend you use it once a week for 12 weeks to capture your three hair cycles of growth. Once these have been treated, your hair will stop growing back and you'll only have to do a few sessions every few weeks. The SmoothSkin Gold boasts a gentle mode which reduces its power; this makes it perfect to use on sensitive areas such as underarms or bikini line. The treatment should take a maximum of 20 mins for your whole body and can be used pretty much everywhere.

We just started using the SmoothSkin Gold as we are in the Fitzpatrick skin tone 5 range. Something we couldn't say a few years ago as this technology wasn't available to our skin tone. It will take a few uses to see the full results, but we can say the device is easy to use, and we haven't experienced any skin irritations or discomfort.

SmoothSkin IPL Hair Removal Devices: Game Changers in Hair Removal

The SmoothSkin Bare is the IPL game changer offering incredibly fast, permanent hair reduction. Being the fastest at-home hair removal device on the market, SmoothSkin Bare uses an Ultrafast Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). With 100 flashes per minute, you can treat the whole body in only 10 minutes. Thanks to the latest technology, SmoothSkin Bare offers unlimited flashes, so you don't have to worry about running out. By using Bare once a week, you will see results from 4 weeks with best results around week 12.

Both devices offer dual-mode treatments making it quick and easy, the Stamp, and Glide modes. The Glide mode is for larger areas such as the legs or arms. You simply hold down the button and the device will keep flashing as you glide it across your skin. The Stamp mode works perfectly for smaller areas such as your underarms or bikini line. SmoothSkin conducts several clinical studies; their in-house clinical team makes sure their products are both effective and safe.

SmoothSkin Gold and SmoothSkin Bare hair removal devices are both available now on

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