Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine


By Jenrene
between the trees

Lake TenKiller, ( A beautiful place in Oklahoma.)

“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. I shall be found by you…” Jeremiah 29:13,14

 Oftentimes seeking God can be so challenging for me.

Sometimes I wake up, with urges to cut on the TV,  and hear what’s going on in the world or urges to do that very first thing, but I know, if I don’t take the time, the day shall have started, and I will leave Him far behind.

So today,  to rest my soul, I stop.

I ask myself:  How should I  seek God today?

I decide a prayer, a mediation, and a reading, is seeking, for today.

It’s enough for now. I ask how this scripture applies to me and my life , and I pray it.

“Lord help me seek you, today help me find more ways to be creative with my seeking, and  I pray also that  I shall find you.”

I try not to make i too complex, I just  speak to Him from my heart.

And I give Him room for Him to speak to me.

Sometimes, it’s just His presence, and nothing else I feel.

And sometimes, that’s all I need to start the day aright.


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