Entertainment Magazine

Scottish Fiction IPA - Idlewild Announce Craft Beer

Posted on the 29 January 2015 by Scottishfiction @scotfiction984
Scottish Fiction IPA - Idlewild announce craft beer
Ahead of the release of their eight album, Everything Ever Written,  Scottish Fiction favourites Idlewild have joined forces with Edinburgh based Barney’s Beer to release a brand new craft beer called... Scottish Fiction!
Some readers may recall Barney's Beer as the brewer behind the Beer vs Records Record Store Day release with Song, By Toad Records, so this is not the brewers first dabble into indie music.  “When the band approached me to collaborate on a beer I invited them down to the brewery to have a taste of some beers and throw around some ideas" stated Barney, the man behind the brewery.
The beer will be available in Scotland as part of a limited edition batch; 1250 bottles sold at independent beer and wine shops, as well as available on cask for a limited time; to coincide with the launch.  To mark the launch, the band are having a party on Friday 6th Feb in Summerhall, Edinburgh where the beer will be available, plus an exclusive playback of Everything Ever Written  followed by a DJ set from the band. Tickets are free and available here.
The bottles will also feature a QR code that will provide access to a free download of a special acoustic performance of one of the band’s earliest and best loved tracks A Film For The Future  from their album Hope Is Important.
Without doubt Idlewild are one of my favorite ever Scottish bands, and clearly the blog/radio show/podcast owe a debt to the band for the name Scottish Fiction which is also one of my favorite songs.  Keep an eye on the blog for a review of the band's new album popping up, and you can check out the band's lasted single below.

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