Lifestyle Magazine

Sam and Amanda’s Awesome Cambridge Wedding

By Claire

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (8)

Awe­some also refers to the pho­tog­ra­phy — and in the Eng­lish use of the word: awe inspir­ing. I’ve started with a night time shot, so this blog fea­ture is all upside down and back­wards… but Chris Han­ley’s pho­tog­ra­phy is breath­tak­ing, is it not?! While I have your full atten­tion, let me intro­duce Amanda and Sam who’ve writ­ten their wed­ding story to share with you on the blog today. Con­grat­u­la­tions to you both, and thank you so much for mak­ing Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog so incred­i­bly gor­geous today!

Every­one else — enjoy. x

A beau­ti­ful Cam­bridge wed­ding: Sam & Amanda

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (35)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (34)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (33)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (32)

The pro­posal…

Sam and Amanda had been dat­ing long-distance for over a year. Sam was liv­ing in Cam­bridge and Amanda was liv­ing in the United States in Cen­tral Illi­nois. Sam decided he was ready to make the next big step in the rela­tion­ship while vis­it­ing Amanda and bought a ring.

He was very wor­ried about not being able to keep the ring a secret, so he decided to pro­pose right away the next evening. Amanda came home from work to a huge bou­quet of flow­ers that Sam had bought for her. She went over to read the card that came with the flow­ers and when she turned back around, Sam was on the floor in front of her. She won­dered, “What is he doing on the floor?” She then real­ized he was down on one knee and that he was propos­ing. Poor Sam was so ner­vous he could barely get out what he was try­ing to say until he finally said, “Amanda, will you marry me?” Of course, Amanda instantly said, “Yes!”

Sam moved to the United States later that year and the cou­ple started plan­ning their wed­ding to be held in Cam­bridge the next autumn.

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (31)

The cer­e­mony was at Great St. Mary’s Church located in beau­ti­ful Cen­tral Cam­bridge amongst the col­leges of the Uni­ver­sity. The recep­tion was held at The Rec­tory Farm, an old Georgian-style house with scenic gar­dens located in Cambridge.

We chose Chris Han­ley Pho­tog­ra­phy to doc­u­ment our wed­ding day. Chris and his wife, Claire, did a fab­u­lous job pho­tograph­ing our day and pro­vid­ing us with artis­tic and dra­matic images. See­ing the beau­ti­ful pho­tos they took dur­ing helps us relive our per­fect day.

Our wed­ding style was tra­di­tional with a few rus­tic accents. Sam wore a tra­di­tional morn­ing suit with an ivory cra­vat and sil­ver waist­coat. Amanda wore a white tulle ball­gown by Made­line Gard­ner.

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (30)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (29)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (28)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (27)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (26)

We had a tra­di­tional Angli­can cer­e­mony led by the Revd Canon John Binns. John was a won­der­ful vicar and he made the mood of the cer­e­mony very warm and light-hearted. Dur­ing the ser­mon, he gave us a lit­tle hazel­nut. He com­pared the hazel­nut to our love for each other and reminded us to nur­ture our love, like we would a lit­tle hazel­nut grow­ing in the ground, so that our love may grow through­out our mar­riage. The cer­e­mony was very heart­felt and mem­o­rable and was a great start to the rest of our lives together.

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (1)

Wed­ding read­ing: John 15: 9–17

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my com­mand­ments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s com­mand­ments and abide in his love. These things I have spo­ken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. This is my com­mand­ment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that some­one lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I com­mand you. No longer do I call you ser­vants, for the ser­vant does not know what his mas­ter is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that what­ever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I com­mand you, so that you will love one another.”

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (25)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (24)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (23)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (22)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (21)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (20)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (19)
The cer­e­mony was held at Great St. Mary’s which is located in the cen­tre of Cam­bridge and is usu­ally very crowded with both locals and vis­i­tors who are out shop­ping or view­ing the col­leges of the Uni­ver­sity. As Amanda drove through town towards the church in a clas­sic Rolls Royce, the crowds cleared a path for the car and waved at Amanda as she passed. The peo­ple gath­ered around the church and greeted Amanda with applause as the she arrived, help­ing Amanda build con­fi­dence before walk­ing down the aisle. After the cer­e­mony, tourists crowded around to take pho­tos and some even jumped into the pho­tos with us! We won­der how many Face­book pages we are on now! It was great fun and we felt like the whole City of Cam­bridge was there to cel­e­brate with us.
Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (18)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (17)

After the cer­e­mony, the guests made their way to the Rec­tory Farm. They were greeted at the gate of the gar­den and were served Pimms. Shortly after we arrived, every­one was led to the mar­quee in the back of the gar­den. Upon enter­ing the mar­quee, guests found a table cov­ered with mini tealight lanterns. Each lantern had a tag with a name and a table num­ber, guid­ing each guest to his or her seat.

The food was pro­vided by Chim­neys Cater­ing. Guests were pro­vided an option of either a tian of oak-smoked salmon or a tart­let of capel mush­rooms for the starter. For the main course, the guests were given the choice of either roasted chicken or a spinach and wild mush­room puff pas­try. Cheese­cake with sum­mer berry com­pote was served for dessert. The food was not only incred­i­bly deli­cious, but was also visu­ally stunning.

After din­ner, we cut into the cake, which was 4-tiers of both fruit­cake and sponge cake with white choco­late ganache and rasp­berry fill­ing. The cake was dec­o­rated with sil­ver rib­bons, crys­tals, and rhine­stones and was topped with an “A” and an “S”. To fol­low Amer­i­can tra­di­tion, after cut­ting the cake, we fed each other lit­tle pieces and smashed the cake in each other’s faces. After cut­ting the cake, we had our first dance to “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Elvis.

Wed­ding day highlights

The food and ser­vice was above and beyond our expectations.

Sam stayed up until 3am the night before the wed­ding writ­ing his speech. Every­one sus­pected that it would just be a stan­dard, bland speech. Instead, the speech had every­one roar­ing with laugh­ter. There were also a few heart­felt moments, which made his speech a def­i­nite high­light of the evening.

The Boo­gie Men, a blues band for which Sam’s dad plays the bass, played for the recep­tion which was not only very per­sonal for us, but was also great enter­tain­ment for the guests. Every­one really enjoyed them­selves.

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (16)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (15)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (14)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (13)

Venue styling and details:

Cars enter­ing the venue drove down a long path cov­ered by the canopies of trees before reach­ing the house. Behind the house was a large open field where guests could min­gle and even play a lit­tle bit of cro­quet. The weather was beau­ti­ful and sunny, mak­ing it a great time to spend in the outdoors.

The mar­quee was dec­o­rated in all white, with white linens and flow­ers, giv­ing a very bridal feel. We sat at the top table with the bridal party and fam­ily and friends sat at round tables through­out the mar­quee. Above our heads, the mar­quee was lit with beau­ti­ful crys­tal chan­de­liers. The chan­de­liers, tealights, and sun­light com­ing through the mar­quee gave the venue a very warm feeling.

We also set up a wish­ing tree that served as a guest book where guests could fill out well wishes and mar­riage advice on lit­tle tags and hang them on dec­o­rated branches in a vase. We will be read­ing the well wishes on our first anniver­sary.

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (12)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (11)

More mem­o­rable moments

The day before the wed­ding, the weather was hor­ri­bly cold and rainy. The morn­ing of the wed­ding, we woke up to com­pletely clear skies and a warm, sunny day. We couldn’t believe how lucky we were to have such won­der­ful weather. The sun­shine made the events of the day absolutely perfect.

Sam’s favorite moment was watch­ing Amanda walk down the aisle. Amanda’s favorite moment was watch­ing Sam smil­ing at her as she walked down the aisle.

Wed­ding day advice

Try to relax and enjoy every moment of your day or it will pass by too quickly. Take men­tal pho­tos and try to absorb each moment fully.

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (10)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (9)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (5)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (6)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (4)

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (3)

Wed­ding music and entertainment

Sam’s dad’s band, The Boo­gie Men, played blues music for every­one to dance to. The band played two sets, so between sets, the guests were enter­tained with the toss­ing of the bou­quet (which was acci­den­tally thrown clear over all of the ladies’ heads) and the toss­ing of the garter (a risqué Amer­i­can tra­di­tion). We also played The Shoe Game. For the Shoe Game, the two of us sat back to back hold­ing onto one of each oth­ers’ shoes. The best man then asked us ran­dom ques­tions like, “Who said, ‘I love you’ first?” and “Who is the bet­ter dresser?” If the groom is the right answer, then each per­son holds up one of the groom’s shoes and vice versa. We, of course, couldn’t see what the other person’s answer was, so it was enter­tain­ing when we had dif­fer­ing answers. Every­one was then served fish and chips so that they had the energy to keep danc­ing.

Cambridge wedding by Chris Hanley Photography (2)

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

The Pho­tog­ra­pher: Chris Han­ley Pho­tog­ra­phy, Comp­stall

The Caterer: Chim­neys Cater­ing, Long Melford

The Florist: Stu­dio Flow­ers, Fulbourn

The Cake: Deesigns for Lov­ing, Duxford

Recep­tion Venue: Rec­tory Farm B&B, Cambridge

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