Entertainment Magazine

Saddle Creek’s New Signing Young Jesus Unveil New Video for ‘Feeling’

Posted on the 14 November 2017 by Spectralnights
New Saddle Creek (Bright Eyes, Cursive, Hop Along) signings Young Jesus originally formed in Chicago but have since relocated to Los Angeles and their sound is a combination of shoegaze, Kinsella-style math moments and the intelligent pop sensibilities of Talk Talk. ‘Feeling’ is the first single to be released from upcoming album ‘S/T’ and it’s a 9-minute behemoth that finds John Rossiter examining his self-worth: ‘Spend a lot of time thinking about the feelings I’ve felt’. As it reaches its third minute, the slow-burning guitars and loose drums make way for nature-themed sound effects including birdsong and a touch of whistling. This experimental and psychedelic approach is complemented perfectly by the stunning stop-motion video and there’s also an air of vulnerability running throughout, especially when Rossiter exclaims: ‘If it’s all waterproof, I sit in rain’. As ‘Feeling’ approaches its fourth minute, there’s a burst of God is an Astronaut-style guitar before the lyrics are repeated with extra emotion and anguish. This forceful sound then falls into an almost drone-like ambience, which then settles into a delightfully minimalist final minute. We’d recommend this song to fans of Pile, Modest Mouse and Radiohead and cannot wait to hear more. Saddle Creek’s new signing Young Jesus unveil new video for ‘Feeling’
Filed under: New music, Preview Tagged: alternative music, Chicago, Chicago music, Feeling, indie music, Los Angeles, Los Angeles music, math rock, new band, post rock, rock music, Saddle Creek, Saddle Creek Records, Young Jesus Saddle Creek’s new signing Young Jesus unveil new video for ‘Feeling’ Saddle Creek’s new signing Young Jesus unveil new video for ‘Feeling’ Saddle Creek’s new signing Young Jesus unveil new video for ‘Feeling’ Saddle Creek’s new signing Young Jesus unveil new video for ‘Feeling’

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