Books Magazine

Romance Isn't Easy

By Ashleylister @ashleylister
Now I've never been much of a romantic. 'Cute' couples made me feel nauseous and lads when I was younger scared me. Well maybe scared is not the right word... I thought they were stupid. My first actual crush at high school would run away from me. This is not a metaphor. Literally, he ran. Word got out that I liked him and that obviously petrified him.
Fast-forward to college and I actually got asked out. Me! I said no because the guy was a little creepy in all honesty. At college I felt like I had finally found myself and didn't need another person to complete me. I think it's sad how girls feel so pressured to be with someone; it's like you're only seen as important or worthy if you are in a relationship. The popular people throughout my education have been those who have had the most partners. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, I'm just saying romance should be on your own terms, it should be no one else's business.
Now I'm part of a cute(ish) couple and it's great. We do fall out now and again and it's not always perfect, but what relationship is? He buys me pudding and I say inappropriate things. But it works.
And now a poem by me!
Romance Isn't Easy
Broken Heart
My heart is broken.
Can it be fixed?
I mean he was a real prick...
But my body feels sick.
Will a bandage work?
Who knew
That I would wake up and he would be gone?
It feels wrong,
So wrong.
Thanks for reading, Helena Ascough.
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