It seems like the 20s has had a bit of a revival recently with the release of The Great Gatsby this month and an array of curly bobs creeping up on the heads of more and more female fashionistas and celebrities this is something that excites me beyond belief. I love the 20s. The fashion, the make up, the bobs...

As you may or may not know I am growing out my super short pixie crop and the main aim is a messy curly bob. A small attempt to channel my inner 20s flapper girl! I love the look of a messy curl bob. Enough to hair to play around with but still not masses of long, long hair.

Has anyone seen The Great Gatsby yet? I think I might be seeing it tonight hopefully. I am so excited to see it especially seen as it is one of my favorite books and it features the 20s! Perfect movie for me really!