Creativity Magazine

Remembering NC Mountainwoman

By Vickilane
Remembering NC Mountainwoman
As I sat at the dining room table, taking pictures of the winter birds at the feeder, I was reminded of a long-time and sadly missed blog friend, Carolyn Powell, aka NCMountainwoman.
Remembering NC Mountainwoman
She and I never met in person, but we shared a love of wild birds, dogs, reading, liberal politics, and our granddaughters--almost the same age.
Remembering NC Mountainwoman
A virtual friendship can be quite real, and the loss of a virtual friend leaves an ache in our hearts. 
Remembering NC Mountainwoman
Carolyn has been gone for quite some time now, but I look forward to occasional Facebook posts from her son, documenting Carolyn's granddaughter's funny sayings.
Remembering NC Mountainwoman
My life is richer for having 'known' Carolyn and for all my virtual friends.
Remembering NC Mountainwoman
That's one social interaction the pandemic can't mess with.
                                                                                       Remembering NC Mountainwoman

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