Business Magazine

PSW 2013 Holiday Shopping Survey

Posted on the 13 December 2013 by Phil's Stock World @philstockworld

Last year we were able to accurately predict improving retail sales from our observations – we have a lot of very sharp people with a wealth of experience to draw on and I urge you to read last year’s post and comments to get an idea of what we’re looking for.

Just keep your eyes open when you go to the stores, not just as to whether they are busy but as to whether people are actually buying things and what kind of things they are buying – then just tell us what you saw.

PSW 2013 Holiday Shopping Survey
Obviously, we care the most about stores we can invest in but general observations are good too.  This is going to be make or break for the holidays but we think a lot of high expectations are already built in and this survey is a great way for us to gain insight as to what’s hot and what’s not around the country.

Try to include the symbols for the companies you discuss and be sure to give us a good idea, geographically of where you are shopping.

Last year we got a great picture of what was going on in the country and it kept us from getting too bearish as the markets turned down into New Year's.  Only by comparing many people’s experiences can we begin to get a good picture of the retail situation in this country, Thanks!

Disclosure: We will probably buy something AAPL is selling this season!

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