Religion Magazine

PSA: Nine Days Siyyumim on the Radio

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Personally I do not look for siyyumim during the Nine Days in order to be able to eat meat. If I happen to be finishing something, I'll make a siyyum, but I won't schedule something to be specifically during the Nine Days. Others do differently, and that's fine by me.
FYI - here is a schedule, put out by Chabad, of siyyums that will be broadcast over the radio to increase the happiness of Torah during this sad time of mourning, as per the instructions fo the Lubavitcher Rebbe (zt"l). These siyyums will be broadcast on Radios Kol Hai and Kol Berama at different times of the day, as per the schedule below...
PSA: Nine Days Siyyumim on the radio
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