Fashion Magazine

Procter & Gamble Offshoot Brand Opté Launches High Tech Beauty Wand

By A Beauty Feature @abeautyfeature

P&G Ventures, the startup studio within Procter & Gamble, today unveiled Opté™ Precision Skincare System (Opté) at CES 2019. After years of development and over 40 patents, Opté has combined the best of optics, proprietary algorithms, printing technology, and skincare in one device. Opté scans, detects, and corrects hyperpigmentation with precision application to reveal the natural beauty of skin.

Opté is one of the first brands to emerge from P&G Ventures, which partners with startups, entrepreneurs, and innovators to create new businesses that solve everyday problems in product categories new to P&G.

Procter & Gamble offshoot brand Opté launches high tech beauty wand

Procter & Gamble offshoot brand Opté launches high tech beauty wand

Most women only need treatment on approximately 10 percent of their skin, but traditional spot coverage options such as makeup or serums provide imprecise, broad-stroke coverage. Opté’s proprietary technology allows it to treat only the small areas that need correction without covering the skin that doesn’t, resulting in a natural, flawless look that makeup and professional treatments are unable to achieve.

How Opté

Precision Skincare System Works:

Opté is comprised of a Precision Wand and Precision Serum that work together to provide immediate coverage and long-term benefits. The Opté Precision Wand consist of four unique, proprietary technologies:

Blue LED Scan Lights maximize contrasts in skin melanin (allowing the camera to see up to 3x more pigmentation than the human eye is capable of perceiving) to detect discolored spots that are not yet noticeable.

An Integrated Digital Camera captures 200 skin images per second, providing approximately 24,000 pictures for analysis with each use.

The Minicomputer Precise Color Algorithm microprocesses 70,000 lines of code to determine the size, shape, and intensity of each skin spot.

A Micro Serum Jet Printer with 120 thermal inkjet nozzles each thinner than a human hair, deposits 1,000 Optimizing Serum picoliter (1 billionth of a liter) droplets on each skin spot to achieve precise coverage with 99% less product than alternatives.

The Precision Wand was uniquely designed to work with the Opté Precision Serum, which uses three key ingredient groups to achieve perfect-looking skin: mineral pigments that provide immediate coverage and create a flawless look, spot-lightening skincare ingredients proven to reduce the appearance of age spots over time, and moisturizers that help your skin retain moisture and stay hydrated.

Procter & Gamble offshoot brand Opté launches high tech beauty wand

“By partnering with leading scientists and experts across industries, we have been able to create a first-of-its-kind, digitally-advanced skincare device that is visibly transforming the look of skin,” said Leigh Radford, Vice President and General Manager of P&G Ventures. “Opté provides Procter & Gamble with an entirely new category of digital skincare to explore and a technology platform from which to innovate. We’re thrilled to introduce Opté on a world stage such as CES.”

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