Debate Magazine

Poets Corner’s 1st Birthday

By Harry @web_pensioner

Poets corner is my other blog and it’s 

One year old to-day.


Poets corner link

I would like to thank all the authors both past and present for their continued support of poets corner.

I think it has been a great success so far and hope that it carries on into the future.


We have a total of  1,444 poems and the total of posts on site are 1,530.

We have had 40,127 Visitors to poets corner.

And 1,350  followers.

Total comments are 5,755.


Shares of poems to other sites as follows.

Twitter 154

Facebook  48

Stumbleupon 32

linkedin 24

Press this  14

Tumbler  13

Pinterest  12

Goggle+1 12

Reddit  6

Thank you everyone and here’s to another year.

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