Celeb Magazine

People Ain’t Isht: Red Cross Workers Steal $6 Million In Donations Meant To Fight Ebola In West Africa

Posted on the 09 November 2017 by Sumithardia

People Ain’t Isht: Red Cross Workers Steal Million In Donations Meant To Fight Ebola In West Africa

Red Cross Workers Scam The Organization Out Of $6 Million
The Red Cross came up short least $6 million in donated funds allocated to fight the 2014 Ebola crisis in West Africa (that eventually spread to the US), as the organization confirmed over the weekend.
According to Daily Mail, the money was stolen from the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) by workers in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Libera — three of the countries through which the virus spread that year.
The Red Cross, although quite late, discovered multiple instances of fraud resulting in the loss of over 20% of the
total amount of funding that the organization had allocated to fighting the epidemic.
The virus killed about 11,000 people as it moved through the specific region where the money was stolen. SMH. If these selfish individuals hadn’t taken it upon themselves to steal, many of those lives likely could have been spared.
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Source: People Ain’t Isht: Red Cross Workers Steal Million In Donations Meant To Fight Ebola In West Africa

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