Community Magazine

Partners in Crime

By Rubytuesday
Myself and the lovely Angharad over at have joined forces to collaborate on a recovery blog over on Wordpress
Although we've been talking about it for some time we just started posting this week
I've come to know Angharad quite well over the last few months and I am so happy to be embarking on this adventure with her
We are in similar position recovery wise and we hope writing this blog will propel us further down the recovery road
As well as personal stories we will reviewing ED books and documentaries
Writing about well known people with ED's
Dispelling ED myths
And from time to time covering other topics
I hope it will be a force for good in this war against mental health and EDs
So if you get a chance stop by and take a look
We are just getting started but we hope it will  help us and others in fighting this thing
I won't be abandoning you or this blog
Not at all
This blog will be maintained and updated regularly
I am quite attached to this blog and all of you
It has been a huge part of my life for the past year and I hope it will be for many more
You can find us at
See you on the flip side x

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