Comic Books Magazine

Ottoman Was Geeky

By Ningauble @AliAksoz

Berk Şentürk, a 1987 born graphic designer who lives in Paris had a question: “How would the superheroes and famous figures be back in Ottoman Empire era?” The answer was pretty cool… Check out these creative illustrations:


Ottoman was Geeky


Justice League as Fevc-ül Adâlet


Ottoman was Geeky


Superman – Faik-i Adem


Ottoman was Geeky


Batman as Sepbere-i Adem


Ottoman was Geeky


Wonder Woman as Hârika Avret


Ottoman was Geeky


Flash as Berk


Ottoman was Geeky


Green Lantern as Fanus-u Ahdar


Ottoman was Geeky


Aquaman as Ab-ı Adem


Ottoman was Geeky

The Joker as Bezlegû


Ottoman was Geeky


The Hulk as Cüsam


Ottoman was Geeky


Han Solo & Chewbacca as Solo Han & Koca Oglan


Ottoman was Geeky


Gandalf & Frodo as Câdûger & Kasir


Ottoman was Geeky


Taxi Driver as Hammal


Good job, Berk…



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