Creativity Magazine

Odds and Ends

By Vickilane
Odds and Ends
This beauty was clinging to our door. It's a Spiny Oakworm Moth and the caterpillars have spines and feed on oak leaves. Now you know as much as I do.
Odds and Ends
Another sunrise, courtesy of John.
Odds and Ends
Butterfly Bush with not a butterfly in sight. I've seen very few so far this year and it scares me to think what that may mean.
Odds and Ends
I arrived early for my appointment to have my hair trimmed, and was taking a picture of this shiny blue bike when the owner and previous client emerged. (I smudged his face as I hadn't asked his permission to put him online.)  Kinda love this sort of 'beauty parlor' where it's one at a time and the clientele is, like me, pretty no nonsense. The fancy busy open sort of salon would not work for me at all, though as a writer I'm sure there would be lots of juicy conversations and interesting characters.  My loss.
Odds and Ends
I finally remembered to get some bubble bath for the girl. She usually has a bath after dinner up here. (She usually needs one too,) She thought the bubbles were a great idea.  And the river --- always a pleasure to see it on my way in or out.
Odds and Ends

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