Comic Books Magazine

No Seiyuu No Life: Eri Inagawa

Posted on the 02 July 2015 by Kaminomi @OrganizationASG

Life has been great lately at the other side of the world, there no earthquakes, no major problem except the heat that starts to be unbearable and that brings all kind of disgusting little critters, but nothing I can’t fight against !

Another thing I can’t fight against is the cuteness of Eri Inagawa.

No Seiyuu no Life: Eri Inagawa

Known for: Cyan (Show by Rock!)

My favorite: Cyan (Show by Rock!)

I am pretty sure you are going to tell me that you don’t know about Eri Inagawa and I would say you are right, because Eri Inagawa, despite her cuteness, only had one major role in one major anime and that is the role of Cyan in Show by Rock!

As such, she has the title of up and coming seiyuu. Sadly, her age is not listed anywhere, she doesn’t look all that old but she’s Japanese so it’s never easy to tell.

Either way, if you have seen Show by Rock! you know she can sing and you know she can act. Her voice has a very distinctive quality about it. It’s a little strange because she goes really high and somehow never gets annoying. It’s quite a difficult feat to achieve and I think that this is the one thing that drew me to Eri Inagawa in the first place. 

No Seiyuu no Life: Eri Inagawa

Now, I’m not usually such a huge fan of girls seiyuu, especially the ones who have such a voice, I would much rather hear a deeper voice and I have a never-ending admiration for the girls who are voicing boys but somehow, I was drawn to Eri Inagawa‘s voice.

Maybe it’s because I first heard her singing voice, and, let’s face it, she wouldn’t have been cast as Cyan if she couldn’t sing, or maybe it’s because her voice somehow made it easier to relate to Cyan as a shy and lost teenager.

I mean, I could hear feeling in her voice. Show by Rock! isn’t the most feelings friendly anime but it had a little bit of everything and that also meant the lead character had to go in many different places and use many different kind of voices. I think Eri Inagawa did a very good job at doing that.

I would like to think that somehow, Show by Rock! is also going to help Eri Inagawa to grow as much as it helped Cyan doing so. I think it would be the best thing that could happen to her.

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By Cesar Ruben Franco
posted on 02 May at 18:08

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By Cesar Ruben Franco
posted on 02 May at 17:58

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