Gardening Magazine

My Garden This Weekend – 22nd June 2014

By Patientgardener @patientgardener
Cautleya spicata

Cautleya spicata

I’m not really a summer person nor for that matter a winter person.  I am much happier in spring and autumn as I prefer the weather and the way nature changes so dramatically during these seasons. I have found in recent years that around this time of year I start to lose interest in the garden and it becomes more of a chore than an enjoyment. Strange I know given all the work I put in to make the garden look lovely.  In the past this has bothered me but this year I am accepting my eccentricities and enjoying more of my other interests.

Dryopteris erythrosora (Autumn Fern)

Dryopteris erythrosora (Autumn Fern)

Instead of spending the day gardening I am spending an hour or so in the evenings or earlier during the day and then retreating indoors or sitting reading in the garden and I have to say that I am realising that this is far so enjoyable than my usual manic approach to things.  Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

My Garden This Weekend – 22nd June 2014

This weekend has been wonderful and refreshing.  I had no plans to be any where or to do anything.  I spent some time on Saturday cutting back early summer perennials such as Aquilegia and planting out, somewhat belatedly, a few annuals.  I have little space for annuals now and I don’t think I will even bother sowing them next year as it has become quite a challenge finding homes for them.


I am fascinated with how the geraniums have grown taller up amongst the other perennials rather than low and floppy.  I am sure that someone who knows more than I do about geraniums will say that it depends on the cultivar you are growing however I am sure that some of these geraniums weren’t as tall last year.


I think this is what you might call ‘cheek by jowl’ gardening and I doubt it is sustainable going forward especially when you think I only planted the border up last year and this spring.  I am determined not to diminish the impact of the border by over jealous tidying and thinning, my usual approach, so will need to practice a more measured approach.

Anthemis tinctoria 'Sauce Hollandise'

Anthemis tinctoria ‘Sauce Hollandise’

Today I potted up some of the perennial seedlings.  I have decided not to propagate so much in future.  I have found that as with so much in my life at the moment I over commit and under-estimate my time and so I have pots of seedlings needing sorting out and if I don’t get on with them the seedlings go leggy and die making the whole process pointless.  So the plan is now to concentrate on what I have and be more selective in the future – hopefully I will stick to this resolution.

Then another hour was spent sorting out plants to enter into the AGS show in a couple of weeks time.  I find sitting and carefully picking over a plant, removing old or damaged leaves and flowers very relaxing.  I am hoping to enter six classes in the Novice section and I have thirteen plants potted up and ready to choose from.  Ideally you want plants that are in flower, unless of course it is a foliage category, and I so I am hoping with a range to choose from I will get lucky.


Aside from gardening I have had a happy time finishing off a sewing project, reading and knitting and enjoying the view from the patio.


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