Humor Magazine

'Mrs. MacMidget' Will Turn the Jocks into Greeks

By Davidduff

You will never go broke under-estimating the GBP (Great British Public) - especially the Jock section of it! Stuffed full of cocky Jock pride and stupidity they are being led by their silly noses to an utter disaster by 'Mrs. MacMidget' and her partner-in-crime, 'Smirky' Salmond. These two and their apparat churn out lies faster than Goebbels' propaganda machine. For example, from Bruce Anderson's column in The Telegraph:

There are supposed to be massively valuable oilfields whose existence the English are concealing. [...]. The Nat rumour machine also claims that there are large new oilfields to the west of Shetland. But there are three problems with that. First, oil companies have been prospecting in that area, without success. Second, if oil was found, it would be in rough seas. At anything like current oil prices, extraction would not be economic. Third, if Scotland were to secede, Shetland might try to opt out.

However, and alas, it looks as though they are going to thrash Labour and thus parliament will be stuffed full of whingeing Jocks demanding their share of the moon! There will only be one answer and that is to give them what they want - independence - but on our terms not theirs. Let's get shot of them and see how they like it in a cold, shivery world all on their own with only that nice 'Mr. Juncker the Drunker' and his henchmen to look after them. And if the Jocks are too thick to realise what that might be like, tell 'em to ask the Greeks!

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