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Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)

Posted on the 14 February 2019 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Mouseflow is a user behavior tracking software which was launched in 2010, it lets you track the behavior of visitors to your site using features such as Heatmaps, form analysis, funnels of conversion, and more.

Mouseflow helps you understand why people are leaving your site, losing interest in your content, or hesitant to sign up for free product testing.

If you do not use user behavior tracking software like Mouseflow, you should basically guess why your conversion rates are low or why people are not involved in your content. On the other hand, tools like Mouseflow help you make informed decisions based on real-world data by:

Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)
  • Provide detailed conversion funnels to find out why your conversion rates are low.
  • Allows you to save your user sessions to see what they are doing on your website
  • Provide thermal maps of websites that tell where users are clicking and browsing your website.

Benefits of Using Mouseflow

With features like website heatmaps and funnels monitoring, Mouseflow is a very useful tool for website owners.

Here are some advantages of Mouseflow:

  • Make users aware of important sections of your website
  • Track user navigation on your website
  • See which areas of your website attract the most eyeballs
  • Get full support for dynamic content sites
  • Get full e-commerce support and exclusive sections for members of your website.
  • Avoid guesswork by watching your users' activities in real time

By implementing lead generation guidelines on your website and creating specific landing pages for tracking leads, you can significantly improve the performance of your subscription forms by using comprehensive report reporting. Mouse flow forms.

MouseFlow Review With Discount Offer: Get $1200 off on Annual Plans

Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)

Here are some disadvantages of Mouseflow

Let's talk about some disadvantages or limitations of Mouseflow:

  • Mouseflow does not have an iPhone or Android application which is quite a bit disappointing.
  • The free version of Mouseflow has very limited features. It is understandable that they do not have many features in the free plan, but even then I would wish there were a few more features.

Websites which can leverage most from Mouseflow?

Despite the disadvantages mentioned above, you can still try Mouseflow. Here is why:

Mouseflow allows you to create multiple user accounts in your main account. This is especially useful if you want to manage multiple websites and allow other users to access the mouse flow controls on individual websites.

With Mouseflow's Live Streaming feature, you can see your visitors' activities in real-time as if you were watching them with a CCTV camera.

If you are using a blog, you want to know if your visitors are having problems subscribing to your newsletter or adding comments to their posts. This is a great way to improve user engagement on your blog. Likewise, Mouseflow is ideal for increasing conversions on your e-commerce website.

Also Read,

MouseFlow Registration Process

  1. To create an account in Mouseflow, Mouseflow and enter the details. You can choose a subscription that suits your needs: Free, Beginner, Growth or Pro.
  2. Once the account has been created, a snippet of code will appear that you need to add before the </ body> tag on your website.
  3. For example, if you use WordPress, you can go to Appearance> Editor.
  4. On the right side, you will see the list of all WordPress files on your website. Search for footer.php, scroll to the bottom of this file and paste your Mouseflow tracking code just before </ body>, as shown in the following image:
  5. Click the Update File button and you're done.

Mouseflow Ease Of Use: Why it is useful in conversions:

Once the registration process is complete, your website will appear in your panel as shown below:

Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)

Mouseflow is used by thousands of customers, from bloggers to Fortune 500 companies.

Mouseflow is one of the old players in the business. Over the years, they have made many changes to their product and introduced many new features that make it a powerful and easy-to-use software.

Mouseflow processes impressive amounts of data in real-time without problems for users around the world.

MouseFlow Features: (Honest MouseFlow Review)

As mentioned earlier, Mouseflow offers many features. Let's see what these features are:

Page-to-page tracking: You can track your visitors' entire journey, whether they visit exclusive member sites, dynamic pages, or paid sites.

Track the activity of users: You can check, who visited your website from mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. You can see where they slipped, zoomed, clicked, etc.

Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)

Session views: You can view replicas of all your users' activities, such as: As mouse movements, clicks, filling in forms, moving, etc.

User Details: You can get information about each user, including operating systems, browsers, visit duration, or source of visit.

Live stream: You can watch live streaming of your visitors' activities. You can see which pages they visit, where they come from, how long they stay on your site, etc.

Funnel Analysis: This feature lets you see how the visitor performs certain actions on your site. They can see where they hesitate and where they are. You get all this data in real time, so you do not have to wait to see your conversions.

Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)

For example, if you have a subscription form on your website, you want to know how many people fill it out. In your funnel reports, you can see how many people visit your landing page on which you have your subscription form, how many choose not to fill it, and how many actually convert it.

Funnels allow you to track every type of user flow, not just fills.

Detailed tracking of your forms: If you want detailed tracking of your forms, Mouseflow can do it for you with your Form Analytics reports. You can see if people have technical problems filling out their forms or if they are reluctant to fill them out. If z. For example, if many users fill only two to three fields in a given form, you can delete them to increase the conversion.

Thermal Map feature: If you use the Mouseflow Thermal Map feature, you can see exactly where you are clicking your website. You can see where users spend most of their time.

Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)

You can see if they are fast-paced through a particular section of a page (indicating a low binding in this section). If users go down fast, it means they need to improve their CTAs or the content of this section to make them more attractive.

There is also an option for In-form analysis reports where you can also display the following elements:

  • Fill out the form: How many people reset a field after an unsuccessful delivery
  • Average Duration: How long have people spent filling a field?
  • Empty Shipments: How many people sent a form without filling in a specific field

MouseFlow Pricing Options

Mouseflow offers 4 packages: Free, Beginner, Growth, and Pro as well as individual business plans for large companies. All plans come with a 30-day money back guarantee.

Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)

With the Free and Starter Packs, you can track a website with 500 or 10,000 monthly visits. The Growth and Pro plans are for large sites with 50,000 and 500,000 pages per month, respectively.

The free plan includes some basic features, such as: For example, session exercises, heatmaps, a funnel, and a form analysis report. The free plan does not allow access to the API or the download/export function.

Advanced features such as export, multi-user management, API access, detailed funnels, and form analysis are only available in Growth and Pro plans.

MouseFlow Customer Support

If you get stuck, you can use the support channels listed below to learn more about Mouseflow's capabilities or to contact your support team:

  • Special helpdesk with detailed documentation and screencasts
  • Send an e-mail to your customer service
  • You can also send a tweet to @mouseflow

MouseFlow Brand Reputation: is it worthy for your website?

As mentioned earlier, Mouseflow is used by thousands of customers worldwide, including companies such as Philips, Accenture, Microsoft, NBC, and many others.

Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)

Mouseflow has also received many positive reviews from individual users, such as Leah Hernández of ABT Electronics, Jens Jakob Andersen of RunRepeat etc.

It has also been featured and commented on many blogs like Blinklist, UI Patterns, B2C and many others.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: MouseFlow Review With Discount Coupon

Mouseflow is a tool that has proven to be effective in analyzing and improving user behavior on your site. Whether you're a sole proprietorship, a small business or a large company, you must give Mouseflow a chance.

At very affordable prices, Mouseflow is software that deserves to be in your arsenal. What your opinion and thoughts about MouseFlow, let me know in the comments section below, which features you liked the most and what needs to be improved.

Mouseflow Review 2019: Turn Your Visitors Into Customers (Save $1200)

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