Humor Magazine

More of Those Bloody "Events, Dear Boy, Events"

By Davidduff

And still this glorious global warming goes on and on which, of course, leads inexorably to yet more and more social activity.  I am almost looking forward to a return to the norm when in the wind and rain we all wrap up in water-proofs and woolies and dash for cover ignoring friends and aquaintances as we head for the great indoors.  But for now, it's all open doors and windows, neighbours forever popping in and out and, like to today and tomorrow, unexpected visitors rocking up to stay a night or two.  I am not by nature gregarious which, I suppose, is characteristic of bloggers who traditionally slump before their keyboards, unshaven, unshowered and dressed in 'jim-jams' and dressing gowns safe in the knowledge that no-one with an ounce of taste and discernemnt would come within a mile.  Of course, the 'Memsahib' has her fair share of visitors but, happily, because I am ensconced up here in the garret I don't need to meet and greet them.

Anyway, all of the foregoing waffle was simply my way of warning you that the bilge taps might slow the flow of blogging bilge to a trickle over the next day or two . . . and yes, I heard that burst of applause! 


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