Religion Magazine

Mirror, Mirror

By Richardl @richardlittleda

Reflecting on values

How many people have already posted updates online saying that they resolve to waste less time on the Internet? After all, the Internet is all grumpy cats and cute dogs, right? Wrong. In the past two days the Internet has thrown the following two stories in my direction.Neither is brand new, but both enrich me – as a human being, Christian, and a communicator. The first shows a particularly poignant form of protest in Kiev. One month exactly after police severely beat rioters in Central Kiev, protesters greet them with …mirrors to show ‘what they have become’. There is a great eloquence to this wordless protest.

Mirror, mirror


The other is p[art of Dove’s self-esteem campaign, which I missed fits time around. It needs no commentary from me, but please take 3 minutes to watch it.


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