Celeb Magazine

Meryl Streep: Donald Trump Has ‘woken Us up to How Fragile Freedom Is’

Posted on the 12 February 2017 by Sumithardia

Here are some photos of Meryl Streep at this evening’s BAFTAs. I had forgotten about it, but she totally got nominated for a BAFTA for Best Actress for Florence Foster Jenkins. That happened soon after her Golden Globes speech, which just goes to show you – everyone loves Meryl, but they especially love Political Meryl. Anyway, Meryl wore Givenchy to the BAFTAs. I like that she wore a suit and I like that she seemed comfortable-yet-glam. And I really enjoy that she just wears her glasses everywhere now, even to awards shows.
Meanwhile, Meryl attended a fundraiser for the Human Rights Campaign on Saturday night in New York. She received the Ally for Equality Award and she used her speech to once again talk about Emperor Baby Fists. She said something I’ve been saying since he was elected: we’re all going to be really, really lucky if we survive this. Like, it’s not a joke. We could all die in a nuclear war started by a Trump tweet-storm. Here’s part of Meryl’s speech:
“If you think people got mad when they thought the government was coming after their guns, wait until they come and try to take away our happiness. We’re not going to go back to the bad old days of ignorance and oppression and hiding who we are.”
As tears welled up and her voice cracked under the strain of the emotion, Streep said, “We owe it to the people who have died for our rights, and who have died before they even got their own. If we live through this precarious moment. If [Trump’s] catastrophic instinct to retaliate doesn’t lead us to nuclear winter, we will have much to thank our current leader for. He will have woken us up to how fragile freedom is.”
“I am the most overrated and most over-decorated and currently — currently — I am the most over-berated actor…of my generation….We have the right to live our lives, with God or without, as we choose. There is a prohibition against the establishment of a state religion in our constitution, and we have the right to choose with whom we live, whom we love, and who and what gets to interfere with our bodies. As Americans, men, women, people, gay, straight, LGBTG. All of us have the human right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
[From Variety]
I cannot even begin to describe the wailing tantrums from all of the butthurt Nazi snowflakes today. Meryl’s speech once again went viral and all of the Deplorables got on social media to cry about how Meryl is out-of-touch and blah blah blah. Regardless of what I’ve said – and what many people have said – about Meryl’s statements on feminism, race and inclusion, I can find no fault in what she’s been saying about Baby Fists and what he means for our country. In fact, I agree with her whole-heartedly.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

Source: celebitchy.com

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