Sports Magazine

Measuring the Offensive-impact of Habs Players in Game 6

By Kicks @Chrisboucher73
This post will focus on 5 different ways we can measure the offensive-impact of players.
The Montreal Canadiens top offensive-forwards were the team's top offensive-contributors in game 6.
Players must be directly involved in the production of a scoring-chance in order to be credited.

The top offensive-players on any team create the most scoring-chances. The most efficient offensive-players create the most scoring-chances per-offensive-touch. An offensive-touch is defined as any play  a player attempts while in possession of the puck. Plays used in this calculation include; passes, dekes, dump-ins, and shots. Scoring-chances included in this post reflect only those scoring-chances where the player indicated has been directly involved in the creation of the chance, and not just on the ice.

Puck-management is about making the necessary plays in order to gain, and maintain puck-possession in the offensive-zone. This post will communicate how well each player performed managing the puck. The graph included displays the percentage of all events (defensive and offensive/ all zones) each player engaged in while in possession of the puck in the offensive-zone. Those with a higher percentage spent more time with possession in the o-zone. Consequently, they spent less time defending in the defensive-zone.

The graph included here is an attempt to rate each player's ability to create offense by multiplying the number of scoring-chances they create for every 1 attempted puck-possession play by the number of puck-possession plays they contribute per-minute of even-strength ice-time. In theory, the players who rate high using this system not only create more scoring-chances per-offensive-touch, they also engage in more puck-possession plays per-minute played.
This takes how efficient a player is and combines it with how often they have possession of the puck in the offensive-zone.

This graph reflects the number of successful scoring plays each player produces per-minute played. Scoring-plays used in this calculation include; offensive-zone loose-puck recoveries, shots, passes to the slot, and dekes. These events  were used because my research has shown that players who average the most scoring-chances, also have high contribution numbers within these metrics.
A list of all the metrics I track can be found here

These reports can be produced for any player at any level. All that's required is video. Feel free to contact me by e-mail with any questions, comments, or inquiries about the services I provide.
[email protected]

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