Social Media Magazine

Measuring Contest ROI

Posted on the 31 January 2013 by Wishpond @Wishpond
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What ROI should I expect?

How do I know if my contest was successful? Every contest will get different results depending on many factors – below is a list of returns you can expect from running a contest.

Measuring Contest ROI
 More traffic, likes & engagement for your Facebook Page

Measuring Contest ROI

Measuring Contest ROI
 New emails for your email list

Measuring Contest ROI

Measuring Contest ROI
New Sales

This occurs for group deals and other contests.

Measuring Contest ROI

How do I measure my contest ROI?

In Wishpond’s Merchant Admin you can:

1. View Participation Statistics

2. View Demographics

3.Track Conversions

Heres how it works:

Measuring Contest ROI
 View Participation Statistics: in real-time to see how effective each promotion is that you make for getting contest entrant.

Measuring Contest ROI

Measuring Contest ROI
 View Demographics: that are entering your campaigns to see if your contest attracted the desired types of customers.

Measuring Contest ROI

Measuring Contest ROI

Measuring Contest ROI
 Track Conversions: from the follow-up emails sent to contest entrants to see how many purchases were made post campaign.

Check out “Facebook Open Graph: Collecting Contact Info & Social Data

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