Politics Magazine

Mandatory Euthanasia for Senior Citizens

Posted on the 29 July 2013 by Adask

Euthanasia for the Elderly (courtesy Google Images)

Euthanasia for the Elderly
(courtesy Google Images)

This post is probably “much ado about nothing”.  It’s an overreaction to a video that’s a spoof; a joke. The video is kinda like Jay Leno’s “Streetwalking All-Stars” except, here, six or eight morons have been approached and asked to sign a petition supporting euthanasia for old folks in order to cut health care costs.  Amazingly, shockingly, they nod their heads wisely and quickly sign the petition.

I have no idea how many people rejected this petition.  I’d hope that for every one who signed this petition, there were one hundred (at least) who rejected it. But I can’t help thinking that finding the six or eight signatories was achieved without too much trouble.  If so, this video makes me wince.

First, the video implies that American youth (and middle age) have little empathy for the elderly–or little realization that they, too, will soon be elderly.  That lack of empathy suggests the basis for a class war of sorts which could make the elderly “targets” for the young.  Being a senior citizens, I can’t say that I’m pleased by this possibility.  More, I’m actually a little angry at the morons who are willing to subject me to euthanasia to cut health care costs.

Second, the video illustrates just how effing dumb much of the American body politic can be.  These poor, sad, stupid S.O.B.s are so politically malleable that they’ll follow any crazy bastard who runs for public office and suddenly betray any politician or principle they might’ve once supported.   I look at the people who signed this euthanasia petition and begin to wonder if maybe we need euthanasia for morons rather than for senior citizens.  More, I can appreciate cynical politicians who regard these idiots as something to be feared and exploited rather than represented and served.  These effing idiots are scary dumb.

Third, I’ve spent most of the past 30 years trying, first, to learn how our governmental system really functions and, second, learning how to communicate my understanding to others.  I haven’t pursued this knowledge or the communication of that knowledge in order to get rich, and I clearly haven’t become rich.  I pursued and shared whatever knowledge I’ve discovered at my own expense and made most of my findings available for free.

Throughout the 30 years, I’ve had the idea that I was doing the right thing.  I thought that my “sacrifice” would help others.  I still believe that’s true.  But this video makes me wonder if I’ve been just playing the fool for the past 30 years and wasting my life trying to help a bunch of morons who aren’t worthy of my time.   I know that’s not true.  But I’ve seen stray dogs I’d rather help than the seemingly civilized fools who signed the petition in this video.

Fourth, I doubt that we’d be talking–or even joking–about euthanasia except for ObamaCare and its rationing of health care resources and “death panels”.  President Obama has done for euthanasia (and death by drones) what Bill Clinton did for oral sex–he’s put murder on the map.

Yes, I know the video is just a joke.  I know that we old folks oughta lighten up.  But finding some Americans so willing to commit murder (my murder, incidentally) doesn’t inspire my confidence in my fellow man or even in my fellow comedians.

I suppose that it’s just a matter of perspective.  I’m sure that young people will view this video as an hilarious joke–something that belongs on Saturday Night Life.   If I were 20 years younger, I might give this video a big belly laugh.

But, being a senior citizen, I see more weirdness in this video than humor.  I can’t help thinking that, in this video, I’m catching a glimpse of a political attitude that’s funny or weird–but not common, today–that will be much more common in the foreseeable future.

video    00:04:43

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