Entertainment Magazine

Lo-fang Joins the 4ad Family, Fits Right in [stream]

Posted on the 24 September 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

29598 236744079806236 2096600240 n 620x410 LO FANG JOINS THE 4AD FAMILY, FITS RIGHT IN [STREAM]

Getting signed to 4AD is no small thing, and their most recent artist, Lo-Fang, is standing up amongst the vaulted company after releasing only two tracks. Singer and multi-instrumentalist Matthew Hemerlein brings his classically trained ear and talent to his mellow tracks — the layered complexity jumps out almost as immediately as his lovely voice and unique instrumentation. The captivating mix of strings and electronic pulses on track “#88″ is an absolute stand out, side-stepping any kind of genre conventions. The same can be said for the hypnotizing “Boris”, which slowly builds to a spectacular vocal climax and never comes down. With tracks as creative as these, we can hardly wait to hear what comes next. Lo-Fang’s 12′ will be out on 4AD on 10/8 with a full length set for release later this year.

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