Community Magazine


By Rubytuesday
In an effort to get out of my own crazy head
My sister, Honey and Lea and I  went to Lisadell beach for a walk
Thank you all for your comments on my last post
I will respond to all comments soon
I'm finding this part of recovery really quite difficult
And I can feel my mood and motivation slipping
It's just so horrible to feel so uncomfortable in my own skin
It's on my mind all the time
I'm so conscious of my body
And how much space it takes up
I need constant reassurance that I am not obese
Or even overweight
Logically I know that my weight is in the healthy range
It's more a feeling
And I need to address it if I'm going to move forward
A lot of the time I feel like unzipping my skin and stepping out of it
I am that uncomfortable
The only comfort I have is that I know this is all part of the recovery process
And I'm better off in this situation
Than I am severely underweight
And ill
On the day of my birthday
My Mum told me that she is really proud of me
And that the best birthday present I could give her was me being well
And times like that
All this s worth it
Maybe I just need to hear that more often

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