Lifestyle Magazine

Lipgloss Making Major Comeback

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture
Lipgloss Making Major Comeback

Okay, for some lipgloss never really went anywhere. For many, lipgloss took a backseat to lipstick. It's not to say that lipstick has completely downtrended. It is still a very valid choice, but it is time to throw lipgloss back into the equation.

When should you do it? Keep wearing lipstick for bold colors, but when you opt for blush pinks or nudes add some gloss! Nude lipstick is great in theory, but in reality it tends to wash most people out. It also can make even the fullest of lips look a little thin.

The shine of lipgloss helps add dimension. Try pairing your favorite neutral lipstick with a gloss that is either transparent or (for even better results) in the same color family. Your lips will look full and luscious.

The only downside of gloss is that frequent reapplication is inevitable. If you're the type who likes to put lip stuff on and not have to think about it, gloss may not be for you. Generally, gloss withstands basic wear and tear like drinking, but after eating it will all be gone. The same can be said for lipsticks with certain finishes, so it's really all relative.

If you're in need a of a break from lipstick and/or want a more natural makeup look lipgloss is the way to go. So break out the juicy tubes from middle school! Just kidding, please throw those out if you haven't already.

Lipgloss Shop:

Lipgloss Making Major Comeback

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