Fashion Magazine

Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie
Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge
Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge
Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge
Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge
Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge
Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge
Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge
Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge
Every time I'm lucky enough to venture to my favorite city, York, I make sure I stop off at one of my favorite places in the whole world. No exaggeration necessary. The Evil Eye Lounge is situated in one of York's cobbled infamous side streets and from the outside it looks like a quirky off-licence selling your regular booze; Which it is, at the front. Once you enter, you go down the left hand side to find the most amazing Cocktail Bar and Asian Restaurant, a bit of an odd combination, yet it works.

The cocktail menu is absolutely insane, there's pages and pages of the things with their ingredients noted down too - I love this as I like to know what's going into my drink. I am in awe of the Brazilian and Moroccan themed decor, lots of woods painted teals and purples. Behind the bar, the wall is full of shelves with every alcoholic spirits and mixers you could imagine, as well as flavourings, teas and all sorts. My first cocktail of choice was a Long Island Ice Tea, which basically has every type of spirit in meaning it was really strong - definitely one I had to sip! I then went for a more fruitier Evil Sunrise which was just as delicious as it looks!

I didn't mange to get any pictures of upstairs as it was pretty busy (a popular place!). But there are the coolest four-poster beds with huge cushions that you can sit back and relax on whilst enjoying your drink, however, I like to be downstairs where the hustle and bustle is. I can't vouch for the food either - but my parents have said that it's absolutely delicious! I don't just go in there because I love the cocktails, I just love the entire vibe of the place.

I really hope you enjoyed this post; I know it's different than my usual fashion and beauty stuff, but I really enjoyed putting this one together. Let me know what you think of it down below. Have you been to the Evil Eye Lounge? Would it be somewhere you think you'd like?

Lifestyle | York - The Evil Eye Lounge
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