Expat Magazine

Life's Too Short.......

By Expatmum @tonihargis
I happened to mention on Facebook that, in my opinion, life's just too short for lace knitting, and a friend suggested I make a blog post out of it. (Always on the lookout for blog fodder.)
Just a quick word about lace knitting though. Yes, it looks lovely and, having done quite a bit myself over the years, the sense of accomplishment when you make something is great, but really! It's a right faff. I recently purchased some lovely denim blue, cotton yarn to make a sort of drapey sleeveless cardi, and failed to notice on the pattern that most of the garment has intricate holes in it. That would be lace knitting. Not only that, it's to be knitted all in one piece, which means there are 235 stitches on a round needle. With the slip stitching and yarn over-ing, it takes about five minutes to knit one single line, and if you make a mistake (as I did more than once), it's very difficult to pick up a stitch or otherwise remedy the situation. No lie- I pulled the damn thing out and started over four times before realising that I already hated the thing too much to ever wear it. As I said, life's too short.....
It's also too short for -
- making the beds every day. Unless you're trying to sell your house and have nosy parkers prospective buyers trailing through every day, or have a constant stream of house guests, what's the point? OK, I do make my son's as he somehow manages to kick every sheet, blanket or duvet off every night and is a hopeless tucker-inner.
- ironing sheets and underwear. In fact, do people still iron underwear? I iron quite a lot of things including pillow cases, but if I can catch the sheets as the dryer stops, they're usually perfectly fine to put on a bed. Again, I don't have a lot of people traipsing through my house on a regular basis.
- stuffing mushrooms and other fiddly food things. Author Shirley Conran is credited with this one and she's right. I mean, if stuffing mushrooms is your thing then knock yourself out, but don't kill yourself about it if you have other things to do. Ditto making all your food from scratch.
- matching underwear. Actually, if I'm honest, I'm not the best person to speak on the subject of underwear since some of my stuff is older than my kids, but...... the only way I would ever have matching underwear is if I bought the whole lot in one color. Actually, scratch that. Most of mine is now a washed-too-often shade of gray anyway.
- answering phone calls when you don't recognize the number. I don't know anyone in Atlanta, North Carolina or Idaho, so if a number from there comes up on my phone, it doesn't get answered. I don't have time to listen to the inevitable sales spiel and I'm not mean enough simply to put the phone down on people, so I leave it. My motto is "If it's important, they'll leave a message."
 Lifestyle guru and beauty blogger Lily Pebbles, (who I'd never heard of) has her "life's too short" opinion on a t-shirt, although I really don't get it -
Life's Too Short.......\I quite like celery.

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