Humor Magazine

Let's Hear It for Lilley & Stringer

By Davidduff

I refer, of course, to a pair of MPs who might well be renamed 'The Odd Couple' because the former is a free market, ex-Thatcherite minister with profound suspicions of the entire European Movement, and considerable scepticism concerning so-called Anthropological Global Warming (AGW).  The latter is Labour MP for Blackley and Broughton - and, no, me, neither but I gather it's 'ooop north' somewhere near Manchester.

So what binds this 'odd couple' together?  Well, they were they only two members of the parliamentary Energy and Climate Change Committee who possessed enough intelligence - and breath! - to blow a large raspberry in the direction of the IPCC report claiming that Man was the prime instigator of global warming.  Not too surprising on the part of Mr. Lilley but extraordinary coming from a Labour MP such as Mr. Stringer.  But then I looked him up on Wiki and immediately I could see that this is a man who can think for himself.  For a start he was the first Labour MP to call for Brown to resign.  On top of that heresy he went on to claim - rightly in my view- that so-called 'dyslexia' was an invention seized upon by the education  establishment to explain away their mostly useless teaching methods.  He also supported the Immigration Bill proposed by another Right-wing Tory, Dominic Raab.

So, all in all, I think Mr. Stringer is a man to watch, although given his independence of thought I doubt very much whether he will ever rise too far in Labour political circles.  Pity!


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