Current Magazine

Laughing Mask Candies Offering Gingerbread House Classes December 8th

Posted on the 29 November 2012 by Citizenthymes @citizenthymes

Didn’t win the Grove Park Inn gingerbread house contest? Maybe you need to take a class or maybe you are just interested in building houses for tiny gingerbread men?

Well Laughing Mask Candies is here to help you get your gingerbread house construction degree. Saturday December 8th Laughing Mask Candies is offering a gingerbread house class. Here are the details from Laughing Mask’s facebook page:

Gingerbread houses are baked off and ready to assemble and decorate. Each party will receive one house, utensils and “candy glue” for construction and an alotted amount of candy sufficient to decorate the house, snack on while decorating, and take the leftovers home(approx. $20 worth of candy). A host will be providing a demo and instructions for the group as well as individual help as needed. We are limiting parties to 4 persons per and children should be accompanied by an adult.

First class is Saturday, December 8th at 10:30 am. Based on turnout and demand we will schedule more classes throughout the month, mostly on Saturdays and possibly weekday evenings. Classes will last about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Cost is $40 per party. We are also offering take home kits for sale for people who want to take theirs home to assemble and decorate. Classes filled by reservation so contact us a.s.a.p. at 828.505.4081 or email us at [email protected]

Even if you are not in the mood to make gingerbread houses you should stop by Laughing Mask Candies anyway and score some of your favorite candy. The last time my dad was in town we ransacked the Saltwater Taffy bin.

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