Celeb Magazine

Kim Cattrall Still Has A Lot To Say About “Sex And The City”

Posted on the 24 October 2017 by Sumithardia

Kim Cattrall Still Has A Lot To Say About “Sex And The City”

Piers Morgan's Life Stories:Kim Cattrall

Ever since it was officially announced that Sex And The City 3 would not be appearing in any of our Fandango apps, Kim Cattrall has received nothing but Edible Arrangements from fans, and flaming bags of dog turds from her former cast mates. I’m not sure of the former, but I can almost guarantee the latter, as Kim is still gabbing away about how she was never friends with all of them even though she sacrificed her baby-making years for those Cosmo-swilling broads!

Kim’s episode of Piers Morgan’s Life Stories talk show aired last night night in the UK, and the BBC notes she still ragged on her old cast mates, which is expected since a lot of them verbally tarred-and-feathered her on their way to the unemployment office. A lot of Kim’s talking points have already been reported, like her claiming she had a toxic relationship with the other three and that she thought Samantha should be recast with a person of color. She also said keeping the relationship professional with the other three was healthy:

“We’ve never been friends. We’ve been colleagues and in some ways it’s a very healthy place to be because then you have a clear line between your professional life and relationship and your personal.”

Who needs to feel friend obligated to show up to a Sarah Jessica Parker shoe signing anyway?!

Kim also opened up about how doing SATC kind of put the kibosh on her ability to have kids. She may have been married three times, but Kim said she always put work before relationships and, even though she considered IVF in her 40s, she knew the filming schedule was going to ruin the chances of getting treatments and raising a kid.

I’m going to partially call bullshit on that one, though. Season 5 was shortened, and Carrie still spent half of those episodes hiding behind Hermes ponchos and oversized bags because she was with child. If Kim really wanted a baby, why couldn’t Sam have just had a few other members of her Meatpacking eighteen-somes hide her pregnant belly?!

Pic: Wenn.com

Source: Kim Cattrall Still Has A Lot To Say About “Sex And The City”

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