Entertainment Magazine

(J)ust (L)eave (S)ilently ...

Posted on the 01 October 2013 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
JLS have unveiled their final single before leaving the limelight for good to pursue whatever it is each of them want to get into. In their career they have managed a lot of chart success, whilst also managing to gain vital exposure as individuals in order for this break-up to work (if that makes any sense). However, in leaving us, they had to do it with what they thought was a bit of a bang and, whilst we think the die-hard fans amongst them will love it, we reckon their final single leaves a lot to be desired.
(J)ust (L)eave (S)ilently ...Billion Lights is to be released on November 10th and is set to hit the clubs with as big a bang as possible. However, if we're honest, we see it as a bit more of a bomber, than a banger - it just lacks in all sorts of substance and energy.
Don't get us wrong, you're probably thinking that we're biased because we've never liked them etc. etc. and, although we never have, we can appreciate a club track when we hear one and, unfortunately for them, this just does not pack enough of a punch.
The vocals are weaker than what they've come to offer and the beat is as mundane and same-y as everything else they've managed to creep up on this estranged audience. We just don't see it doing them justice for the years of service they're meant to have committed to the industry.
From the very second it starts, the music feels outdated. There's something about it which sounds a little bit cheap and as though they have tried their hardest to keep as much money in their own pockets before leaving the world. The lyrics are, as always, pretty abysmal and give absolutely nothing to the song, although, this was always going to be something we'd have to overlook for them. The vocals, as we said, just don't cut it and, when you think that this is meant to be the final song in an end to an era, we don't see how "JLSters" won't come up disappointed.
We totally understand that their record label bosses want to rake in as much cash from them as possible before their exit but, they could have come up with something much more inviting than this or, more effectively, Just Left Silently.

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