Books Magazine

Just For Today, I’m Feeling A Little Like Elizabeth Gilbert

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni


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Here’s the thing: Today, I am feeling a little like Elizabeth Gilbert.

I admire Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love and the current hit The Signature of All Things) tremendously and had the privilege of hearing her speak as well when she was a keynote for Stevenson’s Speaker Series a few years. She’s a great inspiration, and her piece on TED about creativity is one of my all-time favorites. My classes can attest to this, because I make them watch it every semester.

Gilbert regularly posts photos of her book in lovely settings from all over the world. Readers send them to her. It’s a very sweet and cool thing to see people loving your work so much that they feel compelled to share it with you. I always get a kick out of seeing what Gilbert will post next.

Today, when I received this photo on my Facebook page from Jen of Beneath the Mimosa Tree hanging out with a mimosa drink looking exotic on a beach, I felt the same way. She took this photo in Jamaica, and I’m glad my novel made it into her hands as well as on foreign soil. This may be a first. This little independent novel is feeling quite ecstatic today.

Thanks, Jen, for making my day.

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Incidentally, Beneath the Mimosa Tree makes a great Valentine’s Gift for your loved one. Told in alternating voices of Michael and Annabelle, this story focuses on love, romance, and forgiveness. On Amazon in paperback for $8.99, for Kindle and Nook for $3.99.

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