Creativity Magazine

Josie the Writer

By Vickilane
Josie the Writer
Guess what! I wrote a book! It is five pages long and I wrote it all by myself with Meema helping me spell some of the hard words like unicorn and alicorn and Pegasus.
Josie the Writer
I think that I am going to be a book writer and a teacher and a mommy. And also a painter and a dancer. And a nurse. I am good at all of these things.
Josie the Writer
I did some painting on my big alicorn.  An alicorn is a unicorn with wings.
Josie the Writer
I brought up my two new dolls I got for Christmas to introduce them to Dolly and Margot. I have had Dolly and Margot since I was Very Young. They all played together nicely and took ride in their boats.

Then, after their doctor visit, I fixed mac and cheese for them. Being a Mommy is a lot of work, There were so many dishes to do. But they all had fun and want to do a sleepover next time. Meema and I said that we would see.

Josie the Writer
We also had new library books to read. My dolls wanted to hear the stories and so did Jenny and the Castle People. There is still a place for Meema to sit.  My favorite stories were Little Good Wolf and Strega Nona. You would like them too. Meema did and she read them for me twice without getting fussy.
Josie the Writer

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