Creativity Magazine


By Vickilane
                                                 JosieThese are some thank you cards I made. One is a panda and some bamboo, and the other is a mouse. When people give you stuff, it is polite to send them a thank you card. I like making them too!                                                                                  
Josie                                                                                    The mouse also has flowers and a sun and sky. And fancy loops at the bottom.
Sandy sent me A BUNCH of acrylic paints for painting rocks. There are 24 different colors! Meema wanted me to start on paper so I could get used to all the colors and because they are different from watercolors like I have been using. 
Meema gave me a little palette she had and after we put some colors in the holes, she showed me how to mix white with a tiny bit of color to make pale pink or light blue and lots of others. You HAVE to clean the brush EVERY time you change to a different color, or the paints will get all muddy and there will be a Big Mess. So that is what I did.
I just had to try all the colors--this is not really a picture of anything. Meema said I am returning to my non-representational roots.  Then I decided to add some glitter glue to make it even prettier and she said that now I was doing mixed media. Meema is silly sometimes.
Next, I did a picture of my daddy. I got paint all over my arm and hands and we had to do some cleanup. Then I borrowed Meem's phone and took LOTS of pictures. Here they are.

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