Entertainment Magazine

It's a Matter of Taste

By Xoxoxoe
People Magazine has once again released its "Sexiest Man Alive" issue, and the internets have been up in arms about its latest choice, singer Adam Levine from Maroon 5. The title itself is pretty ridiculous, but also designed for such debates. No matter what your opinion of the overexposed-in-the-media Levine, who seems to guest sing on almost everyone else's record when he isn't working on his own songs or is appearing as a judge on the uber-successful singing contest show The Voice, you undoubtedly should have your own candidates that you feel are more worthy. As do I. Some of my current favorite fellas include:

Benedict Cumberbatch

it's a matter of taste

Bruno Mars

it's a matter of taste

Tom Hiddleston

it's a matter of taste

Steve Buscemi

it's a matter of taste

The guys from Grimm

it's a matter of taste

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

it's a matter of taste

Lenny Kravitz

it's a matter of taste

Peter Dinklage

it's a matter of taste

Tom Mison

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