Health Magazine

Is My Basic Food Hygiene Certificate Valid?

By Steve Bradley

Is My Basic Food Hygiene Certificate Valid?

In 2006, in response to a change in European Law, the Basic Food Hygiene Certificate, which had previously only been a level one qualification, was updated and expanded.  The change in EU law made it mandatory for all UK premises where food was handled to have in place a ‘Food Safety Management System’.  This meant industry-wide changes to all existing food handling guidelines. Due to the scope of the changes it was feared that the Basic Food Hygiene Certificate was simply too basic to cope with the new more complex food safety law.

To ensure that all staff continued to operate safely, in addition to being a safeguard against court cases related to food poisoning as a result of a lack of due diligence, the course was expanded to include three levels of accreditation.  The course has been split into three sectors, according to the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Food Safety, ensuring that all staff receive training relevant to their work sector, that being either manufacturing, catering or retail.

Is My Old Certificate Still Valid?

No matter when you qualified for your Basic Food Hygiene Certificate it is still valid, and providing that you continue to show a clear knowledge and understanding of the core principles, you will be allowed to work in the industry. However, it is recommended that a refresher course be taken so that you can be kept up to date with current legislation.  If you previously obtained the old-style Basic Food Hygiene Certificate, it is recommended that you now obtain a level two qualification in the Food Hygiene certificate within your relevant industry sector. This will help to further your knowledge and refresh your current skills.

How are the New Standards Enforced?

The Food Standards Agency works alongside local authority enforcement officers (Environmental Health Officers) just as they did previously when the Basic Food Hygiene Certificate was in use.  They ensure that food safety and hygiene standards are maintained and all legal requirements are met.  Failure of a business to comply with current legislation, by not having a training or safety and hygiene system in place, could lead to prosecution.

At TutorCare we can help ensure you are up-to-date with current requirements.  We offer a number of food safety courses ranging from Food Safety Awareness, Allergen Awareness and the four levels of CIEH/HABC food safety to courses for healthier food and specialised diets.

For a full breakdown of all TutorCare food safety courses please go here –
Food Safety Training Courses.

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