Creativity Magazine

Irresistable Bloomers

By Vickilane
Irresistable Bloomers I've been chained to my laptop, trying to finish up a paid editing job, but I broke away with forty pages yet to go in order to grab a few pictures in the now balmyweather.
Irresistable Bloomers
A Mothers Day fuchsia . . .
Irresistable Bloomers
A perennial Bachelor's Button/Centaura.
Irresistable Bloomers
Siberian Iris along The Stairs of Doom (so called because they're kinda teacherous.)
Irresistable Bloomers
 One of the resident blacksnakes left a shed skin in the dianthus. Irresistable Bloomers
I love these stately foxglove volunteers but am puzzled by their lack of color. The foxglove that flung its seeds there was a kind of two-tone maroon and cream.
Irresistable Bloomers
More dianthus, golden oregano, and a tiny blue something whose name I've forgotten.
Irresistable Bloomers
Siberian iris
Irresistable Bloomers
A really loud geranium... And one of the fuchsia blooms--a tribute to the wedding dress of the late Princesss of Wales?
Irresistable Bloomers

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