Marketing & Advertising Magazine

Interview with Harshajyoti Das Founder of FireYourMentor

Posted on the 15 July 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Hey You bloggers we are back again with another brilliant interview.

As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we have Harshajyoti Das, He is the author of bestselling book 70 Secrets Revealed: How To Write Content That Converts 600% More. He is an traveler, inbound marketer (seo'r), and the Founder of He will be sharing valuable internet marketing insights.

Interview with Harshajyoti Das Founder of FireYourMentor

Hey Guys, I am Harshajyoti Das, Co-Author of the bestselling book, "70 Secrets Revealed: How To Write Content That Converts 600% More". I am the CEO at, a company that helps small businesses with SEO, Social Media marketing, and Reputation Management. I am the founder of, a blog that provides profound knowledge about Internet marketing & Entrepreneurship.

Till 2013, I was very busy with consulting so, I got into blogging (with just recently on November 2013. I had a couple of affiliate blogs before but, they were more like churn and burn sites.

I have launched to share my knowledge with this world. I want to create a one-stop authority site for upcoming internet entrepreneurs.

I ventured into online marketing at the age of 17. It was mainly because, I needed some pocket money to recharge my phone and talk to my girlfriend (now my wife). I started off by filling out surveys until I realized they were all scams.

When I was 18, I was offered some forum posting projects. Then, I got into article writing and finally into SEO.

Pinterest is the fastest growing social media site; it has around 10 million unique monthly visitors. Since 80% of the users are female, you need to know what to share. They love fashion, health food, home decor, landscaping etc.

You can increase your Pinterest engagement if you add a price, a CTA (call to action) button etc. Brand images, guides & tutorials gets more repins than normal images.

You need to socialize. The more you repin, like, comment & follow others, the more people will engage with your pins.

Yes, I am active on twitter. I semi-automate my twitter marketing efforts. I post motivational quotes every day. They get a lot of retweets. I also retweet tweets from other influential people in my industry. I read articles on and retweet the ones, I like. As for followers, you will get a lot of followers if you follow others and tweet regularly.

I use Google's autocomplete feature in everyday marketing. You can get content ideas and learn what people are actually searching for. I use it alongside Google's keywords planner. If you create your content around that topic, there's a very bright possibility that it will rank on Google.

SEO is not dead yet, but Google's trying to bring everything under their control. Let me explain. Recently, Matt Cutts said that guest posting links should be nofollowed and shouldn't affect page rank. Well, now name 1 legit link building method where you are allowed to build links to rank higher or pass page rank (in Matt Cutts's words).

Of course, there are methods like hosting interviews, expert roundups, pointing out broken links to webmasters, designing logo for free in exchange of a link etc. but sooner or later, they are all going to be invalid in the near future. It's not far when Google will ask you to nofollow these links as well. The shift is already happening. Very soon Google will devalue all the link building practices that cannot be brought under their direct control (IMHO).

I have seen many micro-niche amazon affiliate sites rank on the first page and make over $100/month in revenue, without a single backlink. The only promotion that was done was G+ shares. (yeah, it was a test !)

Think about a future where websites will rank on Google based on their influence on Google+. If someone tries to manipulate the system, Google will instantly ban them. SEO'rs will still be in business but instead of 'link building', they will have to shift to 'G+ share earning'. So, you will need to start creating content, videos and images that are shared more often on Google+. In the future, Google might still consider tweets and fb shares as ranking factors but like I said earlier, they will try to focus on ranking factors that they can control directly.

It's just a calculative guess !

I will make this short:

  1. Email influencers in your industry for an interview or expert blog roundup.
  2. Once it's published, email them back asking them to share it with their fans and followers.

Firstly, you will earn free content and secondly, somebody else will do all the hard work of sharing the content.

Firstly, I will check majesticseo, ahref for any negative seo. If there is any negative seo, then I will take these domains, disavow them and file a reconsideration request.

If there's no negative seo, I will check and analyze our past work to find out what might have triggered it. Once it's assessed, we will disavow the possible 'bad links' and file a reconsideration request.

The most significant task is to see that there's no duplicate 'meta description'. It's always recommended that you let Google decide the Meta description, but if there's not enough content on your product page then you should write an unique meta description for each product. Interlink products to their main categories to form a 'Tree-Structure'.

Yes, there are a couple of suggestions:

  1. Write big, fat articles. (2000-5000 words)
  2. Try to solve a problem with every blog post.
  3. It should be an 'ultimate guide'. Don't force the readers to go to a different website to find information on the same topic.
  4. It should be visually appealing. So, add youtube videos & stock images (I use free on your article.
  5. Have easy to share buttons. Use a floating sharebar. I use a wordpress plugin called 'Flare'.
  6. At the bottom, ask your readers to comment. If you don't ask, they won't leave their comments behind.
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If you have any questions or doubts please do ask in the comments below ! Dont forget to share this awesome interview in social media. I will be pleased if you share this now !!! Cheers!!! Join BloggersIdeas on Facebook, Google+ & Twitter .

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