Entertainment Magazine

In Memoriam: Jimi Hendrix

Posted on the 18 September 2020 by Hctf @hctf
In memoriam: Jimi Hendrix

Fifty years ago Jimi Hendrix died at the Samarkand Hotel, 22 Lansdowne Crescent, Notting Hill in London. He was only 27. Tons of books have been written about the greatest guitarist of all time. He released only four albums during his career, but his extensive posthumous discography keeps growing nearly every year. The latest addition is Live In Maui, comprising of the recording of both shows he played for (the really bad) Rainbow Bridge movie and yet another documentary, Music, Money, Madness . . . Jimi Hendrix In Maui, plus all the existing footage of the the performances.

He was a sonic explorer who put in hours and hours of practice to replicate the sounds he was hearing in his head and his envrionment. Put on some Jimi and turn it up. Your neighbours will thank you, and if not, fuck 'em.

When I die, I want people to play my music, go wild and freak out and do anything they want to do.
Jimi Hendrix

» jimihendrix.com

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