Celeb Magazine

IMDb's Top 10 From the Last Decade

Posted on the 29 January 2012 by Diana @azizaspicks

IMDb's top 10 from the last decade
As you all know, IMDb is the place to go whenever you need to look up a director, a quote, a review, actor names and so on. It is heaven for film lovers and provides crucial information for and of the entertainment industry.
Short history: IMDb was launched in 1987 by English film enthusiast Col Needham; first post talked about actresses with beautiful eyes. It later started forming the data base and encouraged the users to contribute- in late 1990 it already had 10.000 movies and television series. Bought in 1998 by Amazon, IMDb faced an interesting challenge last year, as it was sued by an unknown actress for more then 1 million $ for revealing her age(40).
Yesterday, I stumbled upon an interesting article about IMDb: they have just released its top 10 most viewed actors, film, TV shows and in production movies of the last decade* and there are some surprises. 
Top 10 Stars of the Last 10 Years*

  1. Johnny Depp
  2. Brad Pitt
  3. Angelina Jolie
  4. Tom Cruise
  5. Natalie Portman
  6. Christian Bale
  7. Scarlett Johansson
  8. Jennifer Aniston
  9. Keira Knightley
  10. Emma Watson

*Highest average IMDbPro STARmeter ranking over the last 10 years.Ok, I can complete understand the top 3, but Tom Cruise on the 4th position? Besides his reappereance in 2011 with Mission:Impossible 4, the man has been MIA for at least 4 or 5 years before that, not having any big, influential parts! Maybe I am wrong! Continuing, we have an undeserving number 5 for Natalie Portman, but justifiable 6 and 7 for Bale and Johansson, but number 8 for Jennifer Aniston? Again, it's beyond me why this woman is still famous- her career choices in the last 5-6 years have been horrible. 9 and 10 are also normal, considering the love that Pirates and HP got in the last decade. Where are Robert Downey Jr, George Clooney, even Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart?- I was sure either one of them would make the top 10. Top 10 Films of the Last 10 Years*

  1. The Dark Knight
  2. Donnie Darko
  3. Pulp Fiction
  4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  5. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  6. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  7. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  8. Twilight
  9. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  10. The Godfather

*Highest average IMDbPro MOVIEmeter ranking over the last 10 years.1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are understandable choices, but Donnie Darko? On the second position? Am I missing something this huge, should I see it right way? Top 10 TV Series of the Last 10 Years*

  1. Lost
  2. House M.D.
  3. Grey’s Anatomy
  4. Heroes
  5. How I Met Your Mother
  6. 24
  7. Glee
  8. True Blood
  9. Dexter
  10. Gossip Girl

*Highest average ranking over the last 10 years.Lost, Grey's Anatomy, How I met your mother, 24, Glee, True Blood- all obvious choices, but I am a little bit surprised to see Heroes so high up on the list; maybe it's due to the fact that it was a huge international success and continues to be one of the most illegally downloaded TV series out there. 
Top 10 Most Anticipated In-Production Movies*

  1. The Dark Knight Rises
  2. Men in Black III
  3. The Dictator
  4. G.I. Joe: Retaliation
  5. The Expendables 2
  6. Battleship
  7. The Avengers
  8. Rock of Ages
  9. The Hunger Games
  10. Prometheus

*Highest average IMDbPRo MOVIEmeter rank of all films currently in production.First and foremost- where is The Hobbit? Other than that, why is The Dictator on 3rd position and Avengers on 7th- it should be the other way around, considering the large fanbase. Also, are people really that desperate to see Battleship and Rock of Ages? Why?Top 10 Highest Rated Films of the Last 10 Years*

  1. The Dark Knight (8.8) – All-Time Ranking: 8
  2. The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King (8.8)  - All-Time Ranking: 10
  3. Inception (8.8)  - All-Time Ranking: 13 
  4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (8.7) – All-Time Ranking: 15
  5. City of God (8.7) – All-Time Ranking: 18
  6. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (8.6) – All-Time Ranking: 29
  7. Memento (8.6) – All-Time Ranking: 31
  8. Toy Story 3 (8.5) – All-Time Ranking: 42
  9. Spirited Away (8.5) – All-Time Ranking: 45
  10. Amelie (8.5) – All-Time Ranking: 51

*Highest average rating /10 as voted for by IMDb’s most regular voters.Only surprise for me was Spirited Away (again, a movie I haven't seen and don't know too much about it), and I am kind of sad to see all of the Lord of the Rings movies on the list- I am sure there are better films that could have occupied at least 1 or 2 of those spots. 
What do you think about the list?
* Source: http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/2012/01/27/imdb-releases-its-all-decade-lists/

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