Family Magazine

I've Been Liebstered - Twice!

By Craftycrunchymama
If you are like me you are asking Lie-what? Imagine my surprise when I received two in one day! I actually had to go look up the meaning and I will share with you what a Liebster award is and why I am so excited.
A Liebster award is given to an up and coming blogger that you find interesting, inspirational, and just enjoy reading. The German word Liebster can be translated to "sweetheart" in English. (Thanks hubby for keeping a German dictionary by our bed.)
The rules are:
1.) Thank the blogger that gave you the award.
2.) Link back to the blogger that gave you the award.
3.) Showcase the award somewhere in your post.
4.) Pass the award on to 5 other blogs that you enjoy (they must have less than 200 followers.)
5.) Let these bloggers know about their award in a comment on their blog.
So, here goes!
I've been Liebstered - twice!Thank you so much Nature's Nurture and Where the Wild Things Are for giving me this awesome award! These are both great and informative blogs. I encourage you to visit them!
Now for my top picks (I broke the rules and chose three! Sorry if I left anyone out.):
1.) Earth Sea Mama
2.) Crunchy Little Mommy
3.) From Vegging to Veggie 
Thank you for the great honor ladies! This was really fun!

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