Expat Magazine

I'll Kiss Her Till I'm Dead

By Expatmum @tonihargis
There's a linky going on at Thinly Spread which dovetails nicely with a photo I've just taken. It's called "The Things They Do and Say".
Not quite sure why this was written but I suspect it was a poetry period in the Little Guy's class. Anyway, can you see what he wrote and drew?
I'll Kiss Her Till I'm Dead
"I'll kiss her till I'm dead"...bit on the dramatic side, but Awww.(BTW, she has big teeth but not quite this scary-looking).
If anyone is sitting on the fence about getting a dog, just do it. Well, give it some proper thought and then if there's no real reason not to get one, just get one. We got Dusty two and a bit years ago and it's the best thing we've ever done for the family. The Little Guy adores her and no one can now imagine things without her being around. OK, she follows me from one end of a room to the other, which can get a little tricky when I'm cooking in the kitchen, but other than that...
Things to consider - they need walks, and it shouldn't be just the mother who has to do that. They are an extra mouth to feed; the medical bills or insurance can be expensive; you need to think about what you'll do with a dog when you go on holiday; if you're out of the house all day, what about the dog? etc. etc.
And if you do decide to get a dog, get one from the shelter, please.
I'll Kiss Her Till I'm Dead

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